Nested Tensors 入门¶
创建于:2022 年 8 月 2 日 | 最后更新:2024 年 5 月 3 日 | 最后验证:2024 年 11 月 5 日
在 NLP 中,句子可以具有可变的长度,因此一批句子形成一个嵌套张量
在 CV 中,图像可以具有可变的形状,因此一批图像形成一个嵌套张量
在本教程中,我们将演示嵌套张量的基本用法,并使用一个真实世界的示例来激发它们在处理不同长度的序列数据方面的实用性。特别是,它们对于构建可以有效处理参差不齐的序列输入的 Transformer 非常宝贵。下面,我们展示了使用嵌套张量的多头注意力实现,结合使用 torch.compile
import numpy as np
import timeit
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
从 Python 前端,可以从张量列表创建嵌套张量。我们将 nt[i] 表示为 nestedtensor 的第 i 个张量组件。
nt = torch.nested.nested_tensor([torch.arange(12).reshape(
2, 6), torch.arange(18).reshape(3, 6)], dtype=torch.float, device=device)
通过将每个底层张量填充到相同的形状,可以将 nestedtensor 转换为常规张量。
padded_out_tensor = torch.nested.to_padded_tensor(nt, padding=0.0)
print(f"nt is nested: {nt.is_nested}")
print(f"padded_out_tensor is nested: {padded_out_tensor.is_nested}")
通常从形状不规则的张量批次构造 nestedtensor。即,维度 0 假定为批次维度。索引维度 0 返回第一个底层张量组件。
print("First underlying tensor component:", nt[0], sep='\n')
print("last column of 2nd underlying tensor component:", nt[1, :, -1], sep='\n')
# When indexing a nestedtensor's 0th dimension, the result is a regular tensor.
print(f"First underlying tensor component is nested: {nt[0].is_nested}")
一个重要的注意事项是,尚不支持维度 0 中的切片。这意味着目前不可能构建一个组合底层张量组件的视图。
由于必须为 nestedtensor 显式实现每个操作,因此 nestedtensor 的操作覆盖范围目前比常规张量窄。目前,仅涵盖诸如索引、dropout、softmax、转置、reshape、线性、bmm 等基本操作。但是,覆盖范围正在扩展。如果您需要某些操作,请提交 issue 以帮助我们确定覆盖范围的优先级。
reshape 操作用于更改张量的形状。其常规张量的完整语义可以在 此处 找到。对于常规张量,在指定新形状时,单个维度可能为 -1,在这种情况下,它从剩余维度和元素数量推断出来。
nestedtensor 的语义类似,不同之处在于 -1 不再推断。相反,它继承旧的大小(此处 nt[0]
为 2,nt[1]
为 3)。-1 是为参差不齐的维度指定的唯一合法大小。
nt_reshaped = nt.reshape(2, -1, 2, 3)
transpose 操作用于交换张量的两个维度。其完整语义可以在 此处 找到。请注意,对于 nestedtensor,维度 0 是特殊的;它被假定为批次维度,因此不支持涉及 nestedtensor 维度 0 的转置。
nt_transposed = nt_reshaped.transpose(1, 2)
其他操作具有与常规张量相同的语义。对 nestedtensor 应用操作等效于对底层张量组件应用操作,结果也是一个 nestedtensor。
nt_mm = torch.nested.nested_tensor([torch.randn((2, 3, 4)), torch.randn((2, 3, 5))], device=device)
nt3 = torch.matmul(nt_transposed, nt_mm)
print(f"Result of Matmul:\n {nt3}")
nt4 = F.dropout(nt3, 0.1)
print(f"Result of Dropout:\n {nt4}")
nt5 = F.softmax(nt4, -1)
print(f"Result of Softmax:\n {nt5}")
为什么使用 Nested Tensor¶
当数据是序列数据时,通常每个样本具有不同的长度。例如,在一批句子中,每个句子具有不同数量的单词。处理可变序列的常用技术是手动将每个数据张量填充到相同的形状,以便形成一个批次。例如,我们有 2 个长度不同的句子和一个词汇表。为了将其表示为单个张量,我们用 0 填充到批次中的最大长度。
sentences = [["goodbye", "padding"],
["embrace", "nested", "tensor"]]
vocabulary = {"goodbye": 1.0, "padding": 2.0,
"embrace": 3.0, "nested": 4.0, "tensor": 5.0}
padded_sentences = torch.tensor([[1.0, 2.0, 0.0],
[3.0, 4.0, 5.0]])
nested_sentences = torch.nested.nested_tensor([torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0]),
torch.tensor([3.0, 4.0, 5.0])])
将一批数据填充到其最大长度的技术不是最优的。填充数据不是计算所需的,并且通过分配比必要张量更大的张量来浪费内存。此外,并非所有操作在应用于填充数据时都具有相同的语义。对于矩阵乘法,为了忽略填充条目,需要用 0 填充,而对于 softmax,则必须用 -inf 填充以忽略特定条目。嵌套张量的主要目标是使用标准的 PyTorch 张量 UX 促进对参差不齐的数据进行操作,从而消除对低效且复杂的填充和掩码的需求。
padded_sentences_for_softmax = torch.tensor([[1.0, 2.0, float("-inf")],
[3.0, 4.0, 5.0]])
print(F.softmax(padded_sentences_for_softmax, -1))
print(F.softmax(nested_sentences, -1))
让我们看一下一个实际示例:Transformer 中使用的多头注意力组件。我们可以以这样一种方式实现它,使其可以对填充张量或嵌套张量进行操作。
class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module):
Computes multi-head attention. Supports nested or padded tensors.
E_q (int): Size of embedding dim for query
E_k (int): Size of embedding dim for key
E_v (int): Size of embedding dim for value
E_total (int): Total embedding dim of combined heads post input projection. Each head
has dim E_total // nheads
nheads (int): Number of heads
dropout_p (float, optional): Dropout probability. Default: 0.0
def __init__(self, E_q: int, E_k: int, E_v: int, E_total: int,
nheads: int, dropout_p: float = 0.0):
self.nheads = nheads
self.dropout_p = dropout_p
self.query_proj = nn.Linear(E_q, E_total)
self.key_proj = nn.Linear(E_k, E_total)
self.value_proj = nn.Linear(E_v, E_total)
E_out = E_q
self.out_proj = nn.Linear(E_total, E_out)
assert E_total % nheads == 0, "Embedding dim is not divisible by nheads"
self.E_head = E_total // nheads
def forward(self, query: torch.Tensor, key: torch.Tensor, value: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Forward pass; runs the following process:
1. Apply input projection
2. Split heads and prepare for SDPA
3. Run SDPA
4. Apply output projection
query (torch.Tensor): query of shape (N, L_t, E_q)
key (torch.Tensor): key of shape (N, L_s, E_k)
value (torch.Tensor): value of shape (N, L_s, E_v)
attn_output (torch.Tensor): output of shape (N, L_t, E_q)
# Step 1. Apply input projection
# TODO: demonstrate packed projection
query = self.query_proj(query)
key = self.key_proj(key)
value = self.value_proj(value)
# Step 2. Split heads and prepare for SDPA
# reshape query, key, value to separate by head
# (N, L_t, E_total) -> (N, L_t, nheads, E_head) -> (N, nheads, L_t, E_head)
query = query.unflatten(-1, [self.nheads, self.E_head]).transpose(1, 2)
# (N, L_s, E_total) -> (N, L_s, nheads, E_head) -> (N, nheads, L_s, E_head)
key = key.unflatten(-1, [self.nheads, self.E_head]).transpose(1, 2)
# (N, L_s, E_total) -> (N, L_s, nheads, E_head) -> (N, nheads, L_s, E_head)
value = value.unflatten(-1, [self.nheads, self.E_head]).transpose(1, 2)
# Step 3. Run SDPA
# (N, nheads, L_t, E_head)
attn_output = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(
query, key, value, dropout_p=dropout_p, is_causal=True)
# (N, nheads, L_t, E_head) -> (N, L_t, nheads, E_head) -> (N, L_t, E_total)
attn_output = attn_output.transpose(1, 2).flatten(-2)
# Step 4. Apply output projection
# (N, L_t, E_total) -> (N, L_t, E_out)
attn_output = self.out_proj(attn_output)
return attn_output
按照 Transformer 论文 设置超参数
N = 512
E_q, E_k, E_v, E_total = 512, 512, 512, 512
E_out = E_q
nheads = 8
除了 dropout 概率:设置为 0 以进行正确性检查
dropout_p = 0.0
让我们从 Zipf 定律生成一些真实的虚假数据。
def zipf_sentence_lengths(alpha: float, batch_size: int) -> torch.Tensor:
# generate fake corpus by unigram Zipf distribution
# from wikitext-2 corpus, we get rank "." = 3, "!" = 386, "?" = 858
sentence_lengths = np.empty(batch_size, dtype=int)
for ibatch in range(batch_size):
sentence_lengths[ibatch] = 1
word = np.random.zipf(alpha)
while word != 3 and word != 386 and word != 858:
sentence_lengths[ibatch] += 1
word = np.random.zipf(alpha)
return torch.tensor(sentence_lengths)
def gen_batch(N, E_q, E_k, E_v, device):
# generate semi-realistic data using Zipf distribution for sentence lengths
sentence_lengths = zipf_sentence_lengths(alpha=1.2, batch_size=N)
# Note: the torch.jagged layout is a nested tensor layout that supports a single ragged
# dimension and works with torch.compile. The batch items each have shape (B, S*, D)
# where B = batch size, S* = ragged sequence length, and D = embedding dimension.
query = torch.nested.nested_tensor([
torch.randn(l.item(), E_q, device=device)
for l in sentence_lengths
], layout=torch.jagged)
key = torch.nested.nested_tensor([
torch.randn(s.item(), E_k, device=device)
for s in sentence_lengths
], layout=torch.jagged)
value = torch.nested.nested_tensor([
torch.randn(s.item(), E_v, device=device)
for s in sentence_lengths
], layout=torch.jagged)
return query, key, value, sentence_lengths
query, key, value, sentence_lengths = gen_batch(N, E_q, E_k, E_v, device)
def jagged_to_padded(jt, padding_val):
# TODO: do jagged -> padded directly when this is supported
return torch.nested.to_padded_tensor(
padded_query, padded_key, padded_value = (
jagged_to_padded(t, 0.0) for t in (query, key, value)
mha = MultiHeadAttention(E_q, E_k, E_v, E_total, nheads, dropout_p).to(device=device)
def benchmark(func, *args, **kwargs):
begin = timeit.default_timer()
output = func(*args, **kwargs)
end = timeit.default_timer()
return output, (end - begin)
output_nested, time_nested = benchmark(mha, query, key, value)
output_padded, time_padded = benchmark(mha, padded_query, padded_key, padded_value)
# padding-specific step: remove output projection bias from padded entries for fair comparison
for i, entry_length in enumerate(sentence_lengths):
output_padded[i, entry_length:] = 0.0
print("=== without torch.compile ===")
print("nested and padded calculations differ by", (jagged_to_padded(output_nested, 0.0) - output_padded).abs().max().item())
print("nested tensor multi-head attention takes", time_nested, "seconds")
print("padded tensor multi-head attention takes", time_padded, "seconds")
# warm up compile first...
compiled_mha = torch.compile(mha)
compiled_mha(query, key, value)
# ...now benchmark
compiled_output_nested, compiled_time_nested = benchmark(
compiled_mha, query, key, value)
# warm up compile first...
compiled_mha(padded_query, padded_key, padded_value)
# ...now benchmark
compiled_output_padded, compiled_time_padded = benchmark(
compiled_mha, padded_query, padded_key, padded_value)
# padding-specific step: remove output projection bias from padded entries for fair comparison
for i, entry_length in enumerate(sentence_lengths):
compiled_output_padded[i, entry_length:] = 0.0
print("=== with torch.compile ===")
print("nested and padded calculations differ by", (jagged_to_padded(compiled_output_nested, 0.0) - compiled_output_padded).abs().max().item())
print("nested tensor multi-head attention takes", compiled_time_nested, "seconds")
print("padded tensor multi-head attention takes", compiled_time_padded, "seconds")
请注意,在没有 torch.compile
的情况下,python 子类嵌套张量的开销可能会使其比填充张量上的等效计算慢。但是,一旦启用 torch.compile
print(f"Nested speedup: {compiled_time_padded / compiled_time_nested:.3f}")
在本教程中,我们学习了如何使用嵌套张量执行基本操作,以及如何在 Transformer 中实现多头注意力,从而避免在填充上进行计算。有关更多信息,请查看 torch.nested 命名空间的文档。
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